• Mundo Expandido. Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Madrid, Spain.
One of the great technological challenges is our presence in virtual spaces. To make our brain think that our body is in a digital space that belongs to us and to which we belong.
For the moment it is a utopia, but we can approach it through other metaphors, conceptual games and representations that aim to bring us closer to the possibility of truth and coexistence between human-machine and virtual and physical space.
Bounding Box was designed in 2017 in collaboration with Fito Segrera in the Chronus Art Centre in Shanghai, China.
In 2023 the artwork has been updated by applying the latest visual recognition technologies with Artificial Intelligence on the occasion of the exhibition Mundo Expandido at Espacio Fundación Telefónica in Madrid, Spain.
This new version has been made by the artist and the team of ESAT, Valencia, Spain.
The system, equipped with a 4k camera, recognises the human silhouette standing inside the light cube.
When the participant goes beyond the imaginary and virtual limits of the cube of light, the work recognises her/him and emits a vibration in the wooden cube arranged in the installation.
The work questions the limits of the body in the digital era, the possibility of telepresence and big data, and prompts us to consider the frictions and disturbances that arise from an unconventional or alternative use of technology.
Wooden box, camera, light led cube, 270 video projection, custom software, computer, AI, motherboard, cables and solenoids.
Wooden box, body tracking system, video projection, custom software, computer, motherboard, cables and solenoids.
2019 Work developed
with Fito Segrera.
Supported by
Subdirección General y de Promoción de la Cultura de España.
ESAT (Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología)
Fundación Telefónica.
Photography V.2 by: Javier de Paz García, Telefónica.