Genetic possibilities and their alterations have opened an international debate on ethics and morality. Do we have the licence to change our genetic essence to make us “better” or increase our capacities? Can we play god with new technologies? All these questions will continue to be present until we accept the role of technology as part of our evolution as a species and understand that to be human is to accept that we do not belong to this world.
Self-generative lighting installation. The system builds virtual bodies in real time and connects the action with a series of 4 motors that shake and throb in search of the data correspondence that makes the syngamy possible.
Syngamy means “fertilisation”.
Light installation: Tri-color LED strips, two-body servo motors (x4), computer, presence sensor, Arduino board, monitor.
• CAB Burgos, Spain
Produced in ESAT
with Toni Vaca.